Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, November 29, 2009



This will certainly be a Thanksgiving to remember.

Dinner was to be at 3:00 so we took off on a ride in the side by side.  There was a road/path we wanted to explore.  These roads can be deceiving as they start out as a nice gravel road,within a mile they are rutted with large rocks.  We headed up to the top of the mountains.  Gary is always game for the off  beaten path, so we ended up really on top of the world.  It was a beautiful day, no wind and you could see forever.  There was no way but to thank God for His mighty handiwork and all the blessings we receive.  It was a wonderful time just to praise and be thankful.


I was very glad I had spent that time as instead of going down the way we came up – No -you guessed it another path to explore.  So straight down we went thru huge rocks and ruts.  My hands were white from

gripping the handle in front of me and I nearly squeezed Rudy to death.  Gary kept saying “relax enjoy the view”  I was praying like mad just to get down the hill and thankfully He was listening as we made it.

DSCF0559  the picture doesn’t do justice to the panoramaDSCF0593

My driver



mine shaft done by hand probably years ago


We got back to camp around noon and I quickly got my potatoes, salad and dessert ready.  We had 40 people for dinner.  The president of the club has a huge bbq as in the kind you pull on wheels behind your truck.  We had turkey and ham that was wonderful.

IMG_0176  IMG_0175

We were so fortunate in our weather, no wind and warm.  Campfire was started around 4:30 and we sat around till 7:00. A nice bunch of people – we all have in common the love of outdoors and of course the thrill of the hunt for elusive gold.


Friday was a travel day.  We decided to head south to Quartzsite for our next adventure.  I have to say I was glad to leave the dirt and dust.  Everything is covered in dirt.  It took us 3 hours to load up all the gear and Gary kept complaining that he was just done in.  We were heading for an RV park to clean up, get water, dump, do laundry, etc.  Was dark when we arrived so we stayed at a truck stop near the park as it was closed. It was 10 degrees warmer so that was welcome. Took one blanket off the bed.


Sat am got up and Gary was feeling crummy.  Flu-ish so that was the reason he felt so tired yesterday.  We got our spot in the park and have decided to stay here a week in case he doesn’t recuperate quickly.  Nice to have power and all the water we need and yes I will admit I did waste it today.  Long shower and plenty of hot water to do dishes.  4 loads of laundry and haven’t done the rugs yet 

We did drive out to our spot in the desert that we stayed last year and it is just as great.  I am anxious to get out there for the view and private spot.  Our gold buddies are following us and will be here next week, so we will be sharing a camp again.


We are going to add one additional solar panel to the motor home.  That should eliminate the use of the generator.  Using my c-pap   machine during the night puts a drain on the batteries.  Also I would like to use my crock pot and hopefully that will aid with that.


Gary was taking a nap late yesterday afternoon and when he got up said his back was hot like a sunburn.  Well he has this huge rash all over his back and creeping into the front.  Very red and hot so gave him a Benadryl and off to bed.  This morning was worse with blisters that were weepy and all over his trunk.

So off to Parker to the ER to see what the cause was.  Well of course as I pretty well figured, we aren’t going to look into the cause, just treat.  So injection, more Benadryl and tapering course of Prednisone, which I might add had here with us, but not wanting to self treat, I was a good girl.  The good news is he is so much better this evening.  Rash look 90% better so glad we went.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a wonderful thanksgiving day!!
    you'll have to try doing one of those panorama photos where you take the series then stitch them together in photoshop.
    glad to hear gary is on the mend--hope the prednisone isn't making him bonkers.
    love you guys,
